Laravel Accessors and Mutators (Eloquent Steps 2 )

Laravel Accessors and Mutators (Eloquent Steps 2 )

Accessors are used to format the attributes when you retrieve them from database. Whereas, Mutators are used to format the attributes before saving them into the database.

Lets get started

*Creating Accessors *

Suppose that you have two column

first_name & last_name in users table
Now you want to get the user full_name. Accessors create a “fake”attribute on the object which you can access as if it were a database column. So if your person has first_nameand last_nameattributes, you could write User Model:

`Syntax to create accessor –

To define an accessor, create a get{Attribute}Attribute method on your model where {Attribute} is the “studly” cased name of the column.`

Model User.php

protected function getFullNameAttribute()
return $this->fist_name . “” . $this->last_name;

and a Controller that looks like this:


namespace AppHttpControllers;

use IlluminateHttpRequest;
use AppModelsUser;

class AccessorMutatorController extends Controller

//get accesor userFullName
public function getUser()
$users = User::get();

foreach($users as $user){
echo $user->full_name;


also a routethat looks like this:


Creating Mutators

A mutator transforms an Eloquent attribute value when it is set. Mutators work when we save data inside database table.

Syntax to create mutators –

To define a mutator, define a set{Attribute}Attribute method on your model where {Attribute} is the “studly” cased name of the column which we want to get altered when saved.

Model User.php

// when “name” will save, it will convert into lowercase
protected function setNameAttribute($value){
$this->attributes[‘name’] = strtolower($value);

and a Controller that looks like this:


namespace AppHttpControllers;

use IlluminateHttpRequest;
use AppModelsUser;

class AccessorMutatorController extends Controller
//setUser with mutator
public function setUser()
$user = new User();

$user->name = “Alan Donald”;
$user->fist_name = “Alan”;
$user->last_name = “Donald”;
$user->email = “”;
$user->password = bcrypt(“123456”);



also a routethat looks like this:


Check the result

The result should look something like this:

Hurray! We have successfully created and used accessors and mutators , use this on your future projects to improve the readability , stability and performance of your code!

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