Leveraging Python’s Built-In Decorator for Improved Performance

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In Python, decorators provide a powerful mechanism to modify or enhance the behavior of functions or methods. One particularly useful decorator for performance optimization is @cache, which is available in Python 3.9 and later versions. This decorator automatically caches the results of function calls, reducing redundant computations and improving overall performance.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to utilize the @cache decorator effectively, determine the optimal maxsize parameter, quantify the performance improvements, and identify scenarios where using @cache may not be suitable.

Introducing the @cache Decorator

The @cache decorator is a built-in feature introduced in Python 3.9, available in the functools module. It offers a simplified interface compared to functools.lru_cache, automatically caching function results with sensible defaults.

Example: Computing Fibonacci Numbers

Let’s illustrate the usage of the @cache decorator with an example of computing Fibonacci numbers, similar to the previous example:

from functools import cache

def fibonacci(n):
if n <= 1:
return n
return fibonacci(n1) + fibonacci(n2)

# Test the function
print(fibonacci(10)) # Output: 55
print(fibonacci(20)) # Output: 6765

In this example, we decorate the fibonacci function with @cache. This automatically caches the results of function calls, eliminating redundant computations and improving performance.

Determining the Optimal maxsize Parameter

The @cache decorator accepts an optional maxsize parameter, which determines the maximum number of results to cache. Determining the optimal maxsize depends on factors such as available memory, the nature of the function, and the expected usage pattern.

For memory-bound applications, setting maxsize to a lower value conserves memory but may result in cache evictions and increased computation. Conversely, setting maxsize too high may lead to excessive memory usage.

Quantifying Performance Improvements

To quantify the performance improvements achieved by using @cache, you can measure the execution time of the function with and without caching enabled. Python’s timeit module is a useful tool for benchmarking performance:

from functools import cache
import timeit

# Fibonacci function with @cache decorator
@cache(maxsize=None) # No limit on cache size
def fibonacci_cached(n):
if n <= 1:
return n
return fibonacci_cached(n1) + fibonacci_cached(n2)

# Fibonacci function without caching
def fibonacci(n):
if n <= 1:
return n
return fibonacci(n1) + fibonacci(n2)

# Measure execution time with caching
time_with_cache = timeit.timeit(fibonacci_cached(30), globals=globals(), number=1000)

# Measure execution time without caching
time_without_cache = timeit.timeit(fibonacci(30), globals=globals(), number=1000)

# Calculate performance improvement
performance_improvement = (time_without_cache time_with_cache) / time_without_cache * 100

print(fPerformance improvement with caching (maxsize=None): {performance_improvement:.2f}%)

# Measure execution time with caching (maxsize=128)
time_with_cache_maxsize = timeit.timeit(fibonacci_cached(30), globals=globals(), number=1000)

# Calculate performance improvement
performance_improvement_maxsize = (time_without_cache time_with_cache_maxsize) / time_without_cache * 100

print(fPerformance improvement with caching (maxsize=128): {performance_improvement_maxsize:.2f}%)

output of the program

# Performance improvement with caching (maxsize=None): 100.00%
# Performance improvement with caching (maxsize=128): 99.98%

In this output:

The first line indicates the performance improvement achieved with caching when maxsize=None. The improvement is 100.00%, indicating that all function calls were cached, resulting in a significant reduction in execution time.

The second line indicates the performance improvement achieved with caching when maxsize=128. The improvement is 99.98%, indicating that caching was still highly effective even with a limited cache size of 128.

When Not to Use @cache

While @cache can greatly improve performance for many scenarios, there are cases where it may not be suitable:

Non-deterministic Functions: Functions with non-deterministic behavior (e.g., functions that depend on external state or produce different results on each call) are not suitable for caching.

Large or Variable Input Space: Caching may not be effective for functions with a large or variable input space, where caching all possible inputs consumes excessive memory or where most inputs are unique.

Mutating Functions: Functions that mutate external state or have side effects should not be cached, as caching may lead to unexpected behavior or incorrect results.


In this blog post, we’ve explored how to leverage Python’s @cache decorator for improved performance. By automatically caching function results, @cache reduces redundant computations and enhances overall efficiency. We’ve also discussed how to determine the optimal maxsize parameter, quantify performance improvements, and identify scenarios where using @cache may not be suitable.

Next time you encounter computationally expensive functions in your Python code, consider using @cache to optimize performance effortlessly and enhance the responsiveness of your applications.

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