Nanny Care Companion – First shop-stop for parents and those who are expecting

Nanny Care Companion – First shop-stop for parents and those who are expecting

This is a submission for the Coze AI Bot Challenge: Bot Innovator.

What I Built

My wife and I built a bot to help expecting parents with

questions about pregnancy, physical and mental health
assistance in buying important stuff, such as clothing, furniture, and groceries
guidance on what foods to eat and which to avoid
compile checklists on

what items to buy before childbirth or for the time in hospital
to-do’s before and after the big day of childbirth

track the baby’s growth and provide weekly information for the parents

and all those little everyday tasks that come up.


Here’s the link to the bot store:

Ask for material on pregnancy

Uses Google search
Could be extended with additional knowledge-base items from websites and PDFs

Compile a checklist of furniture to buy

Uses long-term memory feature

Update the checklist

Ask for product suggestions from the checklist

Ask for advice on mental health

Part 1:

Part 2:

Ask whether it’s okay to eat certain food

Always uses Google search before answering
The link from this prompt leads to an actual website:

The followup prompt also used Google search before answering. It led to this website:

Summarizing a baby-checklist from a german website

This feature uses filebox
I uploaded the pre-birth checklist from the german ‘Familienportal’, an authority that advises expecting parents
Frankly, I thought this would not work as well as it did 🙂

Part 1: Upload

Part 2: Compilation as a checklist

Part 3: Check items from the list

Funnily, the bot assumed I had also found a midwife and a gynecologist :). While this might usually be the case, users might want to uncheck it manually again.

Your Configuration

Features and plugins

Long-term memory to compile and update the checklists
Filebox to upload documents from authorities that can be summarized and translated for non-native-speaking parents
Triggers to, say send weekly updates on how much a baby has grown
Google Plugin to search for health advice, local professionals, and up-to-date info about foods. Also, add sources to crucial questions that might affect the mother’s or baby’s health
Amazon Plugin to search for relevant products, such as furniture, diapers or other hygiene articles

This could be extended furtherly with knowledge, but is currently not possible in the public version


This is the prompt I am currently using:


In 2023, my wife and I embarked on a journey towards parenthood. And we would soon find out what we’ve gotten ourselves into. To name a few things: We

googled checklists and literature on the topic
researched pediatricians and daycare facilities
went from store to store, flea market to flea market, to buy furniture, clothing, napkins, and so on
find a midwife, a birthing hospital, birth preparation
ask around for personal experiences other parents have (and how to keep my wife happy)

… and were on our feet quite a lot

That took a lot of time (frankly, it still does). My wife and I did a lot of research, read articles & books, and went from store to store for the perfect baby setup.

In case you’ve never had to decide on a stroller, it’s one hell of a ride

So I built this bot, hoping it’ll make the life of expecting parents a bit easier. She has the persona of an elderly woman, because who else but your mother would you like to ask for advice on your newborn?

If this bot is well-liked by the community, I’d love to add more resources. And especially personal experiences. Parents should be able to engage with Margrat as if she has real-world experiences with babies and toddlers and can speak from the experience of raising several children on her own.

Fun fact: I named her Margrat while procrastinating research by reading Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Novels

I might as well deviate from the idea of an old, friendly nanny and compile the profile of a mother who is raising a kid herself right now and recently went through all these stages.

If you like this idea, please give Margrat a try 🙂 even if you’re no parent, you might be curious to find out what it would be like.

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