Cazul Ferma Dacilor. Tribunalul Militar judecă cererea DNA de redeschidere a dosarului penal privind controlul ISU. Ce spunea Arafat despre angajații din subordinea sa, implicați în dosar

Cazul Ferma Dacilor. Tribunalul Militar judecă cererea DNA de redeschidere a dosarului penal privind controlul ISU. Ce spunea Arafat despre angajații din subordinea sa, implicați în dosar

Dosarul care are ca obiect „confirmare redeschidere urmărire penală” a fost înregistrat la Tribunalul Prahova, dar instanța a declinat competența de soluționare către Tribunalul Militar, relatează Agerpres. De acest dosar erau vizați fostul prim-adjunct al inspectorului-şef al ISU Prahova Dumitru Elisei şi Cristina Chelba, fost inspector de prevenire din cadrul ISU Prahova, însă ulterior, conform…

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Caz terifiant în Argeș. O mamă le-a spus polițiștilor că fetița ei  are “ceva diavolesc” și trebuie “să o mântuiască”. Cum a reacționat soțul femeii

Caz terifiant în Argeș. O mamă le-a spus polițiștilor că fetița ei are “ceva diavolesc” și trebuie “să o mântuiască”. Cum a reacționat soțul femeii

Situație cu totul ieșită din comun la Pitești, acolo unde un bărbat își acuză soția că a plecat de acasă cu fetița în vârstă de patru ani, în toiul unui delir mistic. Audiată de poliție, femeia a recunoscut că minora ”are ceva diavolesc” și că vrea s-o ”mântuiască”. Bărbatul a introdus o acțiune de divorț,…

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Déficit public : une cigale française fort dépourvue, par Eric Chol

Déficit public : une cigale française fort dépourvue, par Eric Chol

Quand le moment est venu, l’heure est arrivée, plastronnait Raymond Barre. Celui que Valéry Giscard d’Estaing surnommait “le meilleur économiste de France” fut obligé, un mois seulement après son arrivée à Matignon, de se rendre à l’évidence : “La France vit au-dessus de ses moyens”, martèle-t-il le 22 septembre 1976 dans le poste de télévision,…

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Practical SwiftData: Building SwiftUI Applications with Modern Approaches

Practical SwiftData: Building SwiftUI Applications with Modern Approaches

In the previous article Concurrent Programming in SwiftData, we delved into the innovative concurrent programming model proposed by SwiftData, including its principles, core operations, and related considerations. This elegant programming solution has earned considerable praise. However, as more developers attempt to use SwiftData in actual SwiftUI applications, they have encountered some challenges, especially after enabling…

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How to Win an Information War by Peter Pomarantsev review – the radio host who beat Goebbels at his own game

How to Win an Information War by Peter Pomarantsev review – the radio host who beat Goebbels at his own game

This compelling study of 1930s journalist Sefton Delmer reveals how he used ‘grotesque cabaret’ as propaganda to undermine the Germans’ faith in nazism – and how such methods could be used against today’s tyrants In 1941 a secret British radio station called on Germans to rise up against Hitler. Run by German exiles, it was…

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Councils now sell off more houses than they build. Thatcher’s legacy, right to buy, is a failure

Councils now sell off more houses than they build. Thatcher’s legacy, right to buy, is a failure

The right still reveres her flagship policy, but the repercussions are more homelessness, spiralling rents and bankrupt councils Of all the policies imposed on Britain by Conservative governments, few have reshaped the country’s fortunes as enduringly as right to buy. For a lucky few, the policy has meant colossal windfalls and the chance to snap…

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‘Cautious optimism’ as penguins test positive for bird flu but show no symptoms

‘Cautious optimism’ as penguins test positive for bird flu but show no symptoms

Asymptomatic cases may seem reassuring for the penguins, but scientists fear they could act as ‘Trojan horses’ for other species Adélie penguins in Antarctica are testing positive for bird flu without showing outward signs of disease, according to researchers who travelled around 13 remote breeding sites on an ice-breaking cruise ship. Since bird flu arrived…

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