Vladimir Putin a obținut o victorie categorică, în scrutinul criticat de Occident. Principalele concluzii după alegerile prezidențiale din Rusia

Vladimir Putin a obținut o victorie categorică, în scrutinul criticat de Occident. Principalele concluzii după alegerile prezidențiale din Rusia

Vladimir Putin și-a asigurat al cincilea mandat de președinte al Rusiei la finalul unor alegeri în care, potrivit rezultatelor oficiale anunțate de Moscova, a obținut aproape 88% dintre voturile exprimate. În acest context, Putin a vorbit despre „transparența” alegerilor, criticând în același timp democrația americană, se precizează într-o analiză BBC a scrutinului din Rusia. Liderul…

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C#: From Fundamentals to Advanced Techniques — A Comprehensive Cheat Sheet

C#: From Fundamentals to Advanced Techniques — A Comprehensive Cheat Sheet

The comprehensive C# Cheat Sheet is designed to aid developers in mastering key syntax and concepts related to C# programming. Contents Basic Structure Data Types Variables Constants Conditional Statements Loops Arrays Lists Dictionaries Methods Classes & Objects Exception Handling Delegates, Events & Lambdas LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) Attributes Async/Await Miscellaneous String Manipulation File I/O Date &…

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A postahivatalok tevékenységét leállító figyelmeztető sztrájkról döntött a postai szakszervezet

A postahivatalok tevékenységét leállító figyelmeztető sztrájkról döntött a postai szakszervezet

A kollektív munkaszerződés hiányát, illetve az alacsony béreket kifogásolva kétórás figyelmeztető sztrájkot tart szerdán, március 20-án a postai alkalmazottak szakszervezete. „Úgy tervezzük, hogy 8-tól 10-ig leáll a posta tevékenysége” – tájékoztatott Szabó István, a postai dolgozók szakszervezetének Hargita megyei elnöke, azt tanácsolva a lakosságnak, hogy postai ügyeik intézését szerdán 10 óra utánra időzítsék. A figyelmeztető…

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Visitors to UK attractions increasing but still below pre-Covid levels

Visitors to UK attractions increasing but still below pre-Covid levels

Figures show many still ‘out of the habit’ of visiting museums, galleries, cathedrals, castles and country houses Visitor numbers to the UK’s museums, galleries, cathedrals, zoos, castles and country houses are increasing but remain stubbornly below pre-pandemic levels, with a significant number of people still “out of the habit” of having a day out. Figures…

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Banks driving increase in global meat and dairy production, report finds

Banks driving increase in global meat and dairy production, report finds

Financiers providing billion-dollar support for industrial livestock companies to expand leading to unsustainable rise in production Billion-dollar financing is driving unsustainable increases in global meat and dairy production, a report has found. Global meat production rose 9% between 2015 and 2021, the report said, while dairy production increased 13% in that time. Continue reading…

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