‘Building an authoritarian axis’: the Trump ‘envoy’ courting the global far right

‘Building an authoritarian axis’: the Trump ‘envoy’ courting the global far right

Richard Grenell’s shadow foreign policy campaign is unsettling diplomats and threatens to collapse US interests For Donald Trump, he is “my envoy”, the man apparently anointed as the former US president’s roving ambassador while he plots a return to the White House. To critics, he is seen as “an online pest” and “a national disgrace”…

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Vampire Weekend: Only God Was Above Us review – their most adventurous set yet

Vampire Weekend: Only God Was Above Us review – their most adventurous set yet

(Columbia)Indian raga, hip-hop and scuzzy, Strokes-like rock replace the west African guitar sounds of old on Ezra Koenig and co’s dazzling fifth album When Vampire Weekend emerged in the mid-00s they sounded like nothing else around, quoting unfashionable sources such as Minutemen and west African guitar sounds (via Paul Simon) alongside a barrage of knowing,…

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Sex and the City is on Netflix. Perfect – gen Z are a bunch of Charlottes

Sex and the City is on Netflix. Perfect – gen Z are a bunch of Charlottes

We all know self-proclaimed Samanthas, Mirandas and Carries. I predict my generation will claim the most maligned character If you’re uninhibited and prone to monologues about your pelvic floor, you’re a Samantha. If you’re a narcissist who’s knee-deep in Klarna loans for your RealReal purchases, you’re a Carrie. And if you subscribe to the revisionist…

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Rmag Breaking News

Cherecheș, victorie în instanță

Curtea de Apel Cluj  i-a admis  contestația în anulare, cale extraordinară de atac, lui Cătălin Cherecheş, condamnat definitiv la 5 ani de închisoare pentru luare de mită. Fostul primar al municipiului Baia Mare, Cătălin Cherecheş,  obținut o victorie  de etapă.  Pe data de 18 aprilie judecătorii vor decide dacă  vor admite în totalitate decizia, potrivit…

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Girl, 5, at migrant shelter recovering from tuberculosis, her father says, as city officials confirm a ‘small number’ of cases in migrant shelters but offer few details

Girl, 5, at migrant shelter recovering from tuberculosis, her father says, as city officials confirm a ‘small number’ of cases in migrant shelters but offer few details

The worried father stood watch throughout the night Monday as his 5-year-old suffered through a strong fever. He put rags on her forehead, forced her to drink sips of water and tried to calm her down. The Venezuelan man said he had pleaded for help from staff that night at the city-run migrant shelter on…

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