React JS Fragments

React JS Fragments

In the realm of React development, simplicity often translates to efficiency. Enter React Fragments – a lightweight yet powerful feature that streamlines the way we structure components.
In this article, we’ll explore how React Fragments provide a straightforward solution for organizing elements without unnecessary wrapper divs, enhancing code readability and maintainability.
Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the simplicity and versatility of React Fragments.

React Fragment is a feature that allows to group multiple elements without adding extra DOM wrappers. Useful to return multiple elements from a component’s render method without extra containers.

With React 16.2 and above Fragments you can use a fragment to avoid adding the extra wrapper, Fragments are denoted by the special syntax:

<React.Fragment> or
<> and </> the shorthand

Without Fragments

Prior to React 16.2, you had to wrap them in a single parent element.
For example :

import React from react;

const MyComponent = () => {
return (

export default MyComponent;

With Fragments (Shorthand)

A Fragment is simply an empty element that acts as a container for other elements without rendering any additional DOM nodes.

import React from react;

const MyComponent = () => {
return (

export default MyComponent;

With Fragments (Key Prop)

Fragments can also have a Key prop, just like any other React element. The key prop is useful when you’re dynamically rendering lists of fragments with <React.Fragment>

import React from react;

const MyListComponent = ({ items }) => {
return (
{ => (
<React.Fragment key={}>

export default MyComponent;

If Not Using Fragments

Extra Dom nodes :
Using a regular container introduces additional DOM nodes in the rendered output, which can lead to increased memory usage and slightly slower rendering.

CSS conflicts :
If the wrapper elements has it’s own CSS styles or classes, they might unintentionally affect the layout or styles of the child elements inside the component.

Semantic impact :
Sometimes, adding extra wrapper elements can change the sematic structure of the document, which might not be desirable from an accessibility standpoint.

Nesting depth :
Repeatedly nesting elements within multiple containers may make the component tree deeper, potentially affecting performance and readability.

React Fragments offer a straightforward and elegant solution for structuring components in React applications. By eliminating the need for extra wrapper elements, they contribute to cleaner code and a more efficient development process.

Stay tuned for more insights and practical tips🚀

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