Tunelul de sub Canalul Mânecii, închis din cauza unei greve a sindicatelor franceze. Haos printre călători după ce transporturile au fost paralizate | FOTO

Tunelul de sub Canalul Mânecii, închis din cauza unei greve a sindicatelor franceze. Haos printre călători după ce transporturile au fost paralizate | FOTO

O grevă neanunţată a salariaţilor francezi ai Eurotunnel, societatea care administrează tunelul de sub Canalul Mânecii, a dus la închiderea tunelului, prin care nu mai poate trece niciun tren, maşină sau camion, începând de joi de la prânz, scrie news.ro preluând AFP.

Astfel, toate trenurile Eurostar care circulă prin tunel, dar şi maşinile şi camioanele au rămas blocate, până la noi ordine, în contextul în care oamenii au început deja să călătorească cu ocazia sărbătorilor de iarnă.

Această grevă – declanşată de către sindicatele franceze – a antrenat “întreruperea completă a serviciului şi închiderea terminalelor noastre în Franţa şi în Regatul Unit”, a precizat, într-un comunicat, compania Getlink, care deține Eurotunnel.

“Organizaţiile sindicale au respins o primă excepţională de 1.000 de euro anunţată la sfârşitul anului de către conducere şi îndeamnă la grevă pentru a cere triplarea” acestei sume, a mai anunțat conducerea.

Haos în rândul călătorilor

Anunţul anulării trenurilor către Paris, Bruxelles şi Amsterdam din Gara St. Pancras din Londra a provocat panică în rândul călătorilor, potrivit unei jurnaliste AFP prezente la faţa locului.

Passengers gather at St Pancras station in London on December 21, 2023, as services are disrupted due to a strike at the Eurotunnel. A few days before Christmas and as vacation departures begin, a surprise strike by Eurotunnel employees has led to the closure of the Channel Tunnel and created panic in several European stations.,Image: 831492334, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Overcrowding at London St Pancras International station as Eurostar cancels all trains in and out of London due to last minute strike action by Eurotunnel/Getlink. No crossings have happened since 12 noon and the strike action is likely to last until 3.30pm today.
Overcrowding at London St Pancras International station, London, UK – 21 Dec 2023,Image: 831476586, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Overcrowding at London St Pancras International station as Eurostar cancels all trains in and out of London due to last minute strike action by Eurotunnel/Getlink. No crossings have happened since 12 noon and the strike action is likely to last until 3.30pm today.
Overcrowding at London St Pancras International station, London, UK – 21 Dec 2023,Image: 831476633, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Passengers wait with their luggage at St Pancras station in London on December 21, 2023, as services are disrupted due to a strike at the Eurotunnel. A few days before Christmas and as vacation departures begin, a surprise strike by Eurotunnel employees has led to the closure of the Channel Tunnel and created panic in several European stations.,Image: 831503647, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Overcrowding at London St Pancras International station as Eurostar cancels all trains in and out of London due to last minute strike action by Eurotunnel/Getlink. No crossings have happened since 12 noon and the strike action is likely to last until 3.30pm today.
Overcrowding at London St Pancras International station, London, UK – 21 Dec 2023,Image: 831476525, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Passengers gather at the Eurostar International Departures hall at St Pancras station in London on December 21, 2023, as services are disrupted due to a strike at the Eurotunnel. A few days before Christmas and as vacation departures begin, a surprise strike by Eurotunnel employees has led to the closure of the Channel Tunnel and created panic in several European stations.,Image: 831489268, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Passengers gather at St Pancras station in London on December 21, 2023, as services are disrupted due to a strike at the Eurotunnel. A few days before Christmas and as vacation departures begin, a surprise strike by Eurotunnel employees has led to the closure of the Channel Tunnel and created panic in several European stations.,Image: 831492329, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Passengers gather at St Pancras station in London on December 21, 2023, as services are disrupted due to a strike at the Eurotunnel. A few days before Christmas and as vacation departures begin, a surprise strike by Eurotunnel employees has led to the closure of the Channel Tunnel and created panic in several European stations.,Image: 831491810, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Stranded passengers wait at the Gare du Nord station, Thursday, Dec. 21, 2023 in Paris. The last-minute strike by Eurotunnel operator Getlink began around noon, forcing the train operator to cancel all trains to and from London. Trains between London, Amsterdam and Brussels were also affected.,Image: 831491410, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required., Model Release: no
Passengers sitting on the floor due to overcrowding at London St Pancras International station as Eurostar cancels all trains in and out of London caused by last minute strike action by Eurotunnel/Getlink. No crossings have happened since 12 noon and the strike action is likely to last until 3.30pm today.
Overcrowding at London St Pancras International station, London, UK – 21 Dec 2023,Image: 831476685, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Overcrowding at London St Pancras International station as Eurostar cancels all trains in and out of London due to last minute strike action by Eurotunnel/Getlink. No crossings have happened since 12 noon and the strike action is likely to last until 3.30pm today.
Overcrowding at London St Pancras International station, London, UK – 21 Dec 2023,Image: 831476601, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Foto: Profimedia Images

Numeroşi călători care preconizau să se ducă în Franţa sau Belgia de sărbători au încercat, prin intermediul telefoanelor mobile, să-și schimbe biletul sau să-și rezerve în ultimul moment un zbor încă disponibil din capitala britanică.

Societatea Eurotunnel i-a sfătuit pe călători să-şi amâne călătoriile.

Agenţii din gară, luaţi pe nepregătite, au fost nevoiţi să-i întoarcă din drum pe călătorii care trecuseră de controale de securitate şi se aflau pe peron.

În Gara Lille-Europe, Nick, un britanic în vârstă de 45 de ani încerca să înţeleagă ce se întâmplă.

“Nu ştim cum ne vom întoarce la Londra azi. Având în vedere e-mailul primit, se pare că nu mai sunt trenuri toată ziua”, a spus el.

Foto: Profimedia Images



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