Understanding URL Parameters in Next.js with useRouter

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At itselftools.com, we’ve built over 30 applications using technologies like Next.js and Firebase, harnessing the robust features and flexibility they offer. Throughout this journey, we’ve acquired deep insights into using Next.js’s dynamic routing capabilities effectively. This article aims to explore a specific feature of Next.js—extracting URL parameters using the useRouter hook—through a concise code snippet.

What Does The Code Do?

The code snippet provided is an excellent example of a Next.js functional component that leverages the useRouter hook for accessing URL parameters. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Importing useRouter: The first line import { useRouter } from ‘next/router’; imports the useRouter hook from Next.js’s routing library. This hook is crucial for accessing the router object within functional components.

The Post Component: The function Post() defines a functional component. This component uses the useRouter to get access to the current routing state.

Accessing URL parameters: Inside the component, const router = useRouter(); initializes the router object. const { slug } = router.query; then destructures the query object of the router to extract the slug parameter. The slug corresponds to dynamic segments of the URL which might represent specific post identifiers or names in this context.

Rendering: The component returns a JSX paragraph that displays the post ID or name (slug). The expression {slug} dynamically renders the value of the slug URL parameter.

Practical Uses

The technique demonstrated in the snippet is fundamental for building blog posts, product details pages, or any scenario where unique identifiers need to be retrieved from the URL to fetch data. For instance, in a blog application, retrieving a post slug allows the application to fetch and display the corresponding blog post content from a database or an API.


Understanding and utilizing the useRouter hook in Next.js for accessing URL parameters is crucial for developers working with dynamic content. The use of router.query helps in building more interactive and dynamic web applications.

If you want to see this code snippet in action along with other Next.js features, check out some of our applications such as rhyming dictionary, screen recording tool, and video compressor tool. These tools showcase the practical implementation of technology solutions like those discussed here, enhancing user engagement through dynamic web functionalities.

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