A quick read on Android haptic feedback Design principles

RMAG news

Table of contents

Haptic design principles in theory
Haptic design principles in implementation
How I am using haptic feedback

My app on the Google play store

The app


Haptic design principles
Create custom haptic effects
Why are GOOD haptic feedback underappreciated in Android?

Haptic design principles in theory

The official haptic design principle documentation tells us that less is more when it comes to haptic feedback and gives us 3 main use cases:

1) To notify the user of an event that needs their attention

2) To confirm a state change in the device following a user action

3) To delight the user with effects

Haptic design principles in implementation

If we look at some of the largest applications such as, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and even Threads. We will notice some patterns that start to emerge in the implementation of haptic feedback. If theses patterns are not found in their Android applications, then they most certainly found in their IOS application

1) Pull to refresh : Once the threshold for pull to refresh is reached one single haptic event takes place, such as HapticFeedbackConstants.CONFIRM

2) Events that will change the users overall experience: This pattern is a little more broad and subjective but usually arises when the main user of the application follow/unfollows another account. Overall, an action is taken place that will cause the user to have a noticeable change in their user experience. A single haptic feedback event takes place. Such as, HapticFeedbackConstants.CONFIRM

3) Major failure : When an major action fails, ie, the user makes a request but there is a network failure or some other event occurs and the request is rejected. This failure should be large enough that the function of the application or user experience is hindered. Once this happens there should be a distinct haptic feedback event. Such as, HapticFeedbackConstants.REJECT

How I am using Haptic feedback in my application

As mentioned previously, when it comes to haptic feedback less is more. So if you are unsure about if you want to use haptic feedback, it is best to error on the side of caution and not use it. However, I will be using it for 2 patterns that we have previously mentioned:

1) Major failures
2) Pull to refresh


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this blog post of mine. If you have any questions or concerns please comment below or reach out to me on Twitter.

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