A simple explanation of Adapter Pattern with Vue.js

A simple explanation of Adapter Pattern with Vue.js

Hi there.

Today I will share how I understood the Adapter Pattern using Vue.js. In short, the Adapter Pattern in Vue.js is used to “adapt” the interface of a component, method, or service so that it can be used in a compatible way with other parts of the code that expect a different interface.

This pattern is useful for integrating third-party components, APIs, or libraries that are not directly compatible with your Vue.js application, allowing for smoother, more flexible integration.

Here is an example:

1- I have a Home.vue file that will do a request to a random API (restcountries):

<script setup lang=”ts”>
async function getCountry(name: string) {
const response = await useFetch(`https://restcountries.com/v3.1/name/${name}`)
return response.data.value

let country: any = await getCountry(‘brasil’)
{{ country }}

Here is the return of the API request:

So, let’s imagine that we only need three variables from this response, formatted in a specific way:

interface Country {
countryName: string
countryCapital: string
countryPopulation: number

2- I will create another file named adapters.ts and define a function to transform the current format into the one expected by the Country interface:

interface Country {
countryName: string
countryCapital: string
countryPopulation: number

// Function that receives the API response and adapts it to an array of Country objects
export function getCountryAdapter(apiResponse: any): Country[] {
// Check if is an array
if (!Array.isArray(apiResponse)) {
throw new Error(‘The API response is not a Array of countries.’)

// Maps each country in the response to the Country object format
const countries: Country[] = apiResponse.map((country: any) => ({
countryName: country.name.common,
countryCapital: country.capital[0],
countryPopulation: country.population,

return countries

3- Now, let’s call the adapter in the Home.vue file:

<script setup lang=”ts”>
import { getCountryAdapter } from ‘../services/adapters’

async function getCountry(name: string) {
const response = await useFetch(`https://restcountries.com/v3.1/name/${name}`)
const country = getCountryAdapter(response.data.value)
return country

let country: any = await getCountry(‘brasil’)
{{ country }}

4- The final result is the response adapted to the interface 😊:

If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thank you so much for reading!

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