Call Vue library in Angular

RMAG news

Previously implemented the call to the React library Currently, Vue library calls are supported
React and Vue have similarities in some designs, so their implementations and calls are basically the same



Currently supports calling

Directly calling the vue component in the ng component

<vue-outlet [component]=“xxxx” [root]=“true” #root></vue-outlet>

Directly calling the ng component in the vue component

<NgOutletVue component={OutletRefTestComponent}></NgOutletVue>

When ng calls the Vue component, children can be either the Vue component or the ng component (projection)

<vue-outlet [component]=“xxxx” #child></vue-outlet>
<!– named slot –>
<vue-slot-group [name]=“‘xxx'”>
<ng-template #child let-input1=“input1”></ng-template>



<vue-outlet [component]=“Tree” [root]=“true” [(model)]=“bindModel” [props]=“props”>
<vue-slot-group [name]=“‘title'”>
<ng-template #child let-key=“key” let-title=“title”>
@if (key === ‘0-0-1-0’) {
<span style=“color: #1890ff”>{{ title }}</span>
}@else{ {{ title }} }
import { Component } from @angular/core;
import { VueOutlet, VueSlotGroup } from @cyia/ngx-bridge/vue-outlet;
import { Button, Tree, TreeProps } from ant-design-vue;
const treeData: TreeProps[treeData] = [
title: parent 1,
key: 0-0,
children: [
title: parent 1-0,
key: 0-0-0,
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: leaf, key: 0-0-0-0, disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: leaf, key: 0-0-0-1 },
title: parent 1-1,
key: 0-0-1,
children: [{ key: 0-0-1-0, title: sss }],
const expandedKeys = [0-0-0, 0-0-1];
const selectedKeys = [0-0-0, 0-0-1];
const checkedKeys = [0-0-0, 0-0-1];
selector: app-ant-design-vue-demo,
standalone: true,
imports: [VueOutlet, VueSlotGroup],
templateUrl: ./ant-design-vue-demo.component.html,
styleUrl: ./ant-design-vue-demo.component.scss,
export class AntDesignVueDemoComponent {
Tree = Tree;
treeData = treeData;
bindModel = { expandedKeys, selectedKeys, checkedKeys };
props = {
checkable: true,
treeData: treeData,

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