Containers on AWS: Comparing ECS and EKS

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Containers offer a lightweight, portable, and scalable solution for running software consistently across different environments. But as the number of containers grows, managing them becomes increasingly complex. That’s where container orchestration comes in.

AWS offers two powerful container orchestration services: Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Both services help you run and scale containerized applications, but they differ in their approach, features, and use cases.

In this article, I’ll dive deep into the world of containers on AWS. I’ll explore the key features and components of ECS and EKS, compare their similarities and differences, and provide guidance on choosing the right service for your needs. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to leverage these services to build and manage containerized applications on AWS effectively.

Understanding Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service)

Let’s start by looking at Amazon ECS, AWS’s fully managed container orchestration service. ECS allows you to run and manage Docker containers at scale without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

ECS Key Features:

Fully managed container orchestration

Integration with other AWS services

Support for both EC2 and Fargate launch types

Built-in service discovery and load balancing

IAM integration for security and access control

ECS Components:

Clusters: Logical grouping of container instances or Fargate capacity

Task Definitions: Blueprints that describe how to run a container

Services: Maintain a specified number of task replicas and handle scaling

Tasks: Instantiation of a Task Definition, representing a running container

ECS Launch Types:

ECS supports two launch types for running containers: EC2 and Fargate.

EC2: You manage the EC2 instances that make up the ECS cluster. This gives you full control over the infrastructure but requires more management overhead.

Fargate: AWS manages the underlying infrastructure, and you only pay for the resources your containers consume. Fargate abstracts away the EC2 instances, making it easier to focus on your applications.


With ECS, you pay for the AWS resources you use, such as EC2 instances, EBS volumes, and data transfer. Fargate pricing is based on the vCPU and memory resources consumed by your containers.

ECS Architecture and Components

Let’s take a closer look at the key components of ECS and how they work together.

ECS Clusters

An ECS cluster is a logical grouping of container instances or Fargate capacity. It provides the infrastructure to run your containers. You can create clusters using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or CloudFormation templates.

Task Definitions

A Task Definition is a JSON file that describes how to run a container. It specifies the container image, CPU and memory requirements, networking settings, and other configuration details. Task Definitions act as blueprints for creating and running tasks.


An ECS Service maintains a specified number of task replicas and handles scaling. It ensures that the desired number of tasks are running and automatically replaces any failed tasks. Services integrate with ELB for load balancing and service discovery.


A Task is an instantiation of a Task Definition, representing a running container. When you create a task, ECS launches the container on a suitable container instance or Fargate capacity, based on the Task Definition and launch type.

Example ECS Cluster and Task Definition:

“cluster”: “my-cluster”,
“taskDefinition”: “my-task-definition”,
“desiredCount”: 2,
“launchType”: “FARGATE”,
“networkConfiguration”: {
“awsvpcConfiguration”: {
“subnets”: [
“securityGroups”: [
“assignPublicIp”: “ENABLED”

ECS Launch Types: EC2 vs Fargate

One key decision when using ECS is choosing between the EC2 and Fargate launch types.

EC2 Launch Type

With the EC2 launch type, you manage the EC2 instances that make up your ECS cluster. This gives you full control over the infrastructure, including instance types, scaling, and networking. However, it also means more management overhead, as you’re responsible for patching, scaling, and securing the instances.

Use cases for EC2 launch type:

Workloads that require specific instance types or configurations

Applications that need to access underlying host resources

Scenarios where you want full control over the infrastructure

Fargate Launch Type

Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers. It abstracts away the underlying infrastructure, allowing you to focus on your applications. With Fargate, you specify the CPU and memory requirements for your tasks, and ECS manages the rest.

Benefits of Fargate:

No need to manage EC2 instances or clusters

Pay only for the resources your containers consume

Automatic scaling based on task resource requirements

Simplified infrastructure management

Example of running a containerized application using Fargate:

Type: AWS::ECS::Service
Cluster: !Ref MyCluster
TaskDefinition: !Ref MyTaskDefinition
DesiredCount: 2
LaunchType: FARGATE
AssignPublicIp: ENABLED
!Ref SubnetA
!Ref SubnetB
!Ref MySecurityGroup

Understanding Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)

Now let’s shift gears and explore Amazon EKS, a managed Kubernetes service that makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes on AWS.

EKS Key Features:

Fully managed Kubernetes control plane

Integration with AWS services and Kubernetes community tools

Automatic provisioning and scaling of worker nodes

Support for both managed and self-managed node groups

Built-in security and compliance features

EKS Architecture

EKS consists of two main components:

EKS Control Plane: The control plane is a managed Kubernetes master that runs in an AWS-managed account. It provides the Kubernetes API server, etcd, and other core components.

Worker Nodes: Worker nodes are EC2 instances that run your containers and are registered with the EKS cluster. You can create and manage worker nodes using EKS managed node groups or self-managed worker nodes.


With EKS, you pay for the AWS resources you use, such as the EKS control plane, EC2 instances for worker nodes, EBS volumes, and data transfer. You also pay a hourly rate for the EKS control plane based on the number of Kubernetes API requests.

EKS Architecture and Components

Let’s dive deeper into the EKS architecture and its key components.

EKS Control Plane

The EKS control plane is a managed Kubernetes master that runs in an AWS-managed account. It provides the following components:

Kubernetes API Server: The primary interface for interacting with the Kubernetes cluster

etcd: The distributed key-value store used by Kubernetes to store cluster state

Scheduler: Responsible for scheduling pods onto worker nodes based on resource requirements and constraints

Controller Manager: Manages the core control loops in Kubernetes, such as replica sets and deployments

Worker Nodes

Worker nodes are EC2 instances that run your containers and are registered with the EKS cluster. Each worker node runs the following components:

Kubelet: The primary node agent that communicates with the Kubernetes API server and manages container runtime

Container Runtime: The runtime environment for running containers, such as Docker or containerd

Kube-proxy: Maintains network rules and performs connection forwarding for Kubernetes services

Example EKS Cluster Configuration:

kind: ClusterConfig

name: my-eks-cluster
region: us-west-2

name: my-node-group
instanceType: t3.medium
minSize: 1
maxSize: 3
desiredCapacity: 2

EKS Managed vs Self-Managed Node Groups

EKS provides two options for managing worker nodes: managed node groups and self-managed worker nodes.

EKS Managed Node Groups

EKS managed node groups automate the provisioning and lifecycle management of worker nodes. Key features include:

Automatic provisioning and scaling of worker nodes

Integration with AWS services like VPC and IAM

Managed updates and patching for worker nodes

Simplified cluster autoscaler configuration

Self-Managed Worker Nodes

With self-managed worker nodes, you have full control over the provisioning and management of worker nodes. This allows for more customization but also requires more effort to set up and maintain.

Example of creating an EKS managed node group:

eksctl create nodegroup –cluster my-eks-cluster –name my-node-group –node-type t3.medium –nodes 2 –nodes-min 1 –nodes-max 3

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ECS vs EKS: Key Differences and Use Cases

Now that we’ve explored the key features and components of ECS and EKS, let’s compare them side by side.


AWS-native orchestration
Kubernetes orchestration

Control Plane
Fully managed by AWS
Managed Kubernetes control plane

Infrastructure Management
Managed (Fargate) or self-managed (EC2)
Managed or self-managed worker nodes

Ecosystem and Tooling
AWS-native tooling and integrations
Kubernetes-native tooling and integrations

Learning Curve
Simpler, AWS-specific concepts
Steeper, requires Kubernetes knowledge

Tied to AWS ecosystem
Portable across Kubernetes-compatible platforms

Use cases for ECS:

Simpler containerized applications

Workloads that heavily utilize AWS services

Teams more familiar with AWS ecosystem

Serverless applications using Fargate

Use cases for EKS:

Complex, large-scale containerized applications

Workloads that require Kubernetes-specific features

Teams with Kubernetes expertise

Applications that need to be portable across cloud providers

Choosing the Right Container Orchestration Service

Choosing between ECS and EKS depends on various factors specific to your application and organizational needs.

Factors to consider:

Application complexity and scalability

Team’s skills and familiarity with AWS and Kubernetes

Integration with existing tools and workflows

Long-term container strategy and portability requirements

When to use ECS

Simpler applications with a limited number of microservices

Workloads that primarily use AWS services

Teams more comfortable with AWS tools and concepts

Serverless applications that can benefit from Fargate

Example: A web application consisting of a frontend service, backend API, and database, all running on ECS with Fargate.

When to use EKS

Complex applications with a large number of microservices

Workloads that require Kubernetes-specific features like Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

Teams with extensive Kubernetes experience

Applications that need to be portable across cloud providers

Example: A large-scale machine learning platform running on EKS, leveraging Kubeflow and other Kubernetes-native tools.

Best Practices for Container Orchestration on AWS

Regardless of whether you choose ECS or EKS, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Use infrastructure as code (IaC) tools like CloudFormation or Terraform to manage your container orchestration resources

Implement a robust CI/CD pipeline to automate container builds, testing, and deployment

Leverage AWS services like ECR for container image registry and ELB for load balancing

Use IAM roles and policies to enforce least privilege access to AWS resources

Monitor your containerized applications using tools like CloudWatch, Prometheus, or Grafana

Optimize costs by right-sizing your instances, using Spot Instances when appropriate, and leveraging reserved capacity


AWS provides two powerful services for container orchestration: ECS and EKS.

ECS is a fully managed service that offers simplicity and deep integration with the AWS ecosystem. It’s well-suited for simpler containerized applications and teams more familiar with AWS tools and concepts.

On the other hand, EKS is a managed Kubernetes service that provides the full power and flexibility of Kubernetes. It’s ideal for complex, large-scale applications and teams with Kubernetes expertise.

Ultimately, the choice between ECS and EKS depends on your application requirements, team skills, and long-term container strategy. By understanding the key features, differences, and use cases of each service, you can make an informed decision and build scalable, resilient containerized applications on AWS.

Still, I prefer ECS =)

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