India election: Modi and rivals trade accusations as voter turnout slumps in second phase

    Parties clash over communal issues in increasingly charged campaign amid concerns unseasonably hot weather affecting voter numbers India has held the second phase of the world’s biggest election, with prime minister Narendra Modi and his rivals hurling accusations of religious discrimination and threats to democracy amid flagging voter turnout. Almost 1 billion people are eligible…

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    RMAG news

    Trupa Samael concertează în România: Cât costă biletele, de unde le cumperi

    Samael revine în România în data de 12 decembrie 2024, pentru un spectacol special la clubul Quantic din București, în cadrul căruia trupa va interpreta integral albumul Passage. Biletele pentru acest eveniment pot fi achiziționate online, de pe platforma Samael, de la începuturi Trupa Samael și-a început proiectul într-un buncăr atomic din Alpii elvețieni…

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    99 Streaming Release Date: When Is It Coming Out on Amazon Prime Video?

    99 Streaming Release Date: When Is It Coming Out on Amazon Prime Video?

    Image Credits: Amazon Prime Video The 99 Amazon Prime Video release date is around the corner, and viewers are eagerly anticipating the opportunity to stream the documentary series. It provides an in-depth look at Manchester United’s historic treble-winning season in 1999, offering never-before-seen footage and insights from key players such as David Beckham, Gary Neville,…

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    Chicago White Sox snap 7-game skid with 9-4 win against Tampa Bay Rays behind Chris Flexen’s strong start

    Chicago White Sox snap 7-game skid with 9-4 win against Tampa Bay Rays behind Chris Flexen’s strong start

    Chris Flexen made his first relief appearance of the season one week ago, tossing four scoreless innings against the Philadelphia Phillies. Flexen made his way back to the rotation Friday against the Tampa Bay Rays and was even more impressive while helping the Chicago White Sox snap a season-high seven-game losing streak. Flexen allowed two…

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