Deliver us from weevils: it’s time to unleash the killer worms to protect your plants

Deliver us from weevils: it’s time to unleash the killer worms to protect your plants

The elusive vine weevil will chomp your plants Pac-Man-style. But there’s an organic solution that will keep them at bay

With each passing year I try to be more relaxed about “pests”. Squirrels make me cross but I have learned to deter them by planting things they don’t like – such as alliums and narcissi. Aphids are a promise for hoverflies, ladybirds and blue tit fledglings. Molluscs are tedious but they not physically capable of eating everything in the garden.

Vine weevils, on the other hand, are something I’d like to warn you about – mostly because, as a former container gardener, I know the devastation they can wreak. It’s all well and good being laissez-faire about a bit of casual munching when you have dozens of plants, but if you’ve only got a handful it’s rather more noticeable.

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