Do I have seasonal allergies or is it the common cold?

Do I have seasonal allergies or is it the common cold?

Spring (read: allergy) season can make it difficult to say if a runny nose is the result of pollen or a virus – so I asked experts

Ah, spring. A time of thawing and rebirth, of blooms bursting forth from frost. Days become longer, warmer and – oh no, what’s this? A tickle in your throat. Pressure building in your sinuses. A runny nose. A sneeze. Another sneeze. Was there ever a time before sneezing?

But is it allergies or a cold? Beautiful as springtime may be, the emerging greenery can also expel waves of allergens. So how can you tell if your runny nose is the result of unruly pollen or a virus? Are you infectious or is your immune system overreacting to an outside stimulus?

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