Download Fasta files in Bash using Nano text editor in 4 simple steps

Download Fasta files in Bash using Nano text editor in 4 simple steps

Using the Nano text editor to download genetic sequences can be a bit daunting. Which is why I have taken the liberty to guide you in 4 simple steps. Let’s jump right into it!

Step 1: Search for the nucleotide

Start by searching for the nucleotide on the NCIB nucleotide website.

For the sake of illustration, we will use the MTOR nucleotide. Once the nucleotide is found, click the Fasta option and copy the nucleotide sequence using CTRL C.

Step 2: Open Nano on your coding workspace

This command works regardless of any workspace being used such as Google shell cloud or Git bash.

On your terminal, type {Nano} and press enter.

Step 3: Save the Nano file

Paste the copied sequence from step 1 into the Nano editor, and use CTRL X to exit and save. Remember to name your file.

Step 4: Print your sequence

Use the {ls} command to list the contents of the folder and ensure that your nano file is saved.
Use the {Cat} command to print the contents of the file on your terminal by typing {cat filename}.

And just like that, you have successfully downloaded your file.
Let me know in the comments if you found this helpful.

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