useState and useReducer

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Similarities between useState and useReducer:

Both useState and useReducer are React hooks used for managing state in functional components. They share these key points:

State Management: They both allow you to store and update data within a component that can trigger re-renders when the state changes.

Functional Components: They are exclusive to functional components in React, providing an alternative to the setState method in class components.

Return Value: Both hooks return an array containing:

The current state value.
A function to update the state (setter function for useState and dispatch function for useReducer).

When to use useState:

Simple State: It’s ideal for managing a single piece of state, especially primitive values (strings, numbers, booleans) or single objects/arrays.
Straightforward Updates: The state updates are easy to understand and don’t require complex logic or dependencies on previous state values.
Readability: You prioritize keeping your component code concise and easy to reason about.

When to use useReducer:

Complex State Management: You’re dealing with multiple state values that are updated interdependently or require handling previous state values.
Centralized Logic: You want to centralize state update logic in a separate reducer function to improve code maintainability and reusability.
Advanced Patterns: You need to implement advanced state management patterns like state history or optimistic updates.
Performance Optimization (Deep Updates): You’re working with deep updates in the component tree, where useReducer can offer slight performance improvements because dispatch functions can be passed down without recreating functions on every render.

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