Git Conflict Guide 🚀

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What is a Git Conflict?

A Git conflict occurs when two branches have changed the same part of a file, and Git cannot automatically merge the changes. When you attempt to merge or rebase branches, Git will pause the process and mark the conflicted files.

Steps to Resolve a Git Conflict

1. Identify Conflicted Files

When you encounter a conflict, Git will mark the conflicted files. You can see these files by running:

git status

2. Open the Conflicted File

Open the conflicted file(s) in your code editor. You’ll see Git’s conflict markers:

<<<<<<< HEAD
Your changes
Incoming changes
>>>>>>> branch-name

<<<<<<< HEAD marks the beginning of your changes.

======= separates your changes from the incoming changes.

>>>>>>> branch-name marks the end of the incoming changes.

3. Resolve the Conflict

Manually edit the conflicted file to choose which changes to keep. You might want to:

Keep your changes: Delete the incoming changes and conflict markers.
Keep incoming changes: Delete your changes and conflict markers.
Keep both changes: Manually edit the file to include the necessary changes.

4. Remove Conflict Markers

After resolving conflicts, remove the conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>>) from the file.

5. Add the Resolved File

Once you’ve resolved the conflict, stage the resolved file:

git add <conflicted-file>

6. Commit the Changes

After staging the resolved file, commit the changes:

git commit -m “Resolved conflict by merging changes”

7. Verify and Push

After resolving all conflicts in your merge or rebase, verify that everything is correct:

git status

Then, push the changes to the remote repository:

git push

Tips for Handling Conflicts

Stay Calm: Conflicts are a normal part of collaborative work.

Review Changes: Understand both sets of changes before resolving conflicts.

Use Tools: Some IDEs and Git GUIs offer conflict resolution tools.

Communication: Coordinate with team members to prevent conflicting changes.

Example Workflow

Let’s say you are trying to merge feature-branch into main:

git checkout main
git merge feature-branch

If conflicts occur, follow the steps above to resolve them. Here’s an example:

<<<<<<< HEAD
console.log(“Hello, World!”);
console.log(“Bonjour, le monde!”);
>>>>>>> feature-branch

After resolving:

console.log(“Hello, World!”);
console.log(“Bonjour, le monde!”);


git add filename.js
git commit -m “Resolved conflict”
git push

Additional Resources

Git Documentation on Resolving Merge Conflicts
Atlassian Git Conflict Resolution Guide

Remember, resolving conflicts is a skill that improves with practice. Don’t hesitate to experiment in a safe environment to get comfortable with the process.

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