How to create a Quiz App using JavaScript?

RMAG news

Body section:
This is the stage where all the action happens! It contains the visible elements that users will interact with. Here’s what we see on the stage:

App container: This div (division) element acts as the main container for the quiz application. It likely has styles applied in the external CSS file to define its appearance (size, position, etc.).
Quiz title: An h1 heading displays the title “Simple Quiz” in a large and prominent way.
Quiz section: Another div element, likely styled differently in the CSS, holds the actual quiz content.
Question: An h2 heading with the ID “question” is where the quiz will display each question. Initially, it says “Question goes here” which will be replaced by actual questions in JavaScript.
Answer buttons: A div with the ID “answer-buttons” groups four buttons. These buttons, likely styled identically in the CSS class “btn”, will hold the answer choices for each question.
Next button: A button with the ID “next-btn” displays the text “Next”. JavaScript will likely trigger this button to move on to the next question after a user selects an answer.

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