Mastering Python iteration: Loops and the magic of list comprehensions

Mastering Python iteration: Loops and the magic of list comprehensions

What are loops?

They can be termed simply as a way to repeatedly execute some code➿.

For example:

planets= [‘mercury’,’venus’,’earth’,’mars’,’jupyter’,’saturn’,’uranus’,’neptune’]
for planet in planets:

# The end=” overrides the n behavior and instead adds a space (”) after each planet name

output: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

The for loop specifies:

The variable names to use in this case, ‘planet’
The set of values to loop over ‘planets’
You use the word ‘in’ to link them together.

NB :The object right to the ‘in’ can be thought of as a set of a group of things you can probably loop over.

We can also iterate over elements in a tuple. Difference between lists and tuples is that tuple elements are put inside parenthesis and they are immutable i.e. cannot be assigned new values to them once assigned.

product = 1
for mult in multiplicands:



Multiplicands holds the values to be multiplied together. The ‘product=1’ initializes the variable product that will be used to store the final multiplication answer. ‘for mult in multiplicands’ is a for loop that iterates over each number represented by variable ‘mult’ in the multiplicands tuple.
‘product = product * mult’ is a line executed for each iteration on the loop.

Retrieves the current value of the product variable.
Multiplies it with the current mult value from the tuple.
Assigns the result back to the product variable, updating it with the new product.
The code effectively multiplies together all the numbers in the multiplicands tuple, resulting in 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 = 360.
You can even loop through each character in a string:

s = ‘steganograpHy is the practicE of conceaLing a file, message, image, or video within another fiLe, message, image, Or video.’
msg = ”
# print all the uppercase letters in s, one at a time

for char in s:
if char.isupper():

output: HELLO

A function that returns a sequence of numbers and is very useful in writing loops. For instance, if we want to repeat some action 5 times:

for i in range(5):
print(‘Doing important work.i=’,i)
Doing important work. i = 0
Doing important work. i = 1
Doing important work. i = 2
Doing important work. i = 3
Doing important work. i = 4

In this case the loop variable is named i and range(5) generates a sequence of numbers from 0 to 5.In each iteration, the value of i is inserted into the string using string formatting. So the printing is done 5 times equivalent to the sequence range.

While loops
Iterate until some condition is met.

while i<10:
i+= 1 #increase the value of i by 1
output: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

List Comprehensions
Are one of python’s most beloved features. The easiest way of understanding them is to probably look at examples.

squares= [n**2 for n in range(10)]

Output: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

Here’s how we would do the same thing without a list comprehension:

for n in range(10):

Output:[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

We can also add an ‘if’ condition

short_planets = [planet for planet in planets if len(planet) < 6]

Output: [‘Venus’, ‘Earth’, ‘Mars’]

(If you’re familiar with SQL, you might think of this as being like a “WHERE” clause)

Here’s an example for filtering with an ‘if’ condition and applying some transformations to the loop variable:

# str.upper() returns all-caps version of a string
loud_short_planets=[planet.upper() + ‘!’ for planet in planets if len(planet)<6]

Output:[‘VENUS!’, ‘EARTH!’, ‘MARS!’]

People usually write these on a single line, but you might find the structure clearer when split into 3 lines:

for planet in planets
if len(planet)<6
Output: [‘VENUS!’, ‘EARTH!’, ‘MARS!’]

Continuing in the SQL analogy, you could think of these 3 lines as SELECT, FROM and WHERE.

List comprehensions combined with functions like min, max and sum can lead to impressive one-line solutions for problems that would otherwise require several lines of code.

For example compare the following two cells of code that do the same thing:

def count_negatives(nums):
“””Return the number of negative numbers in the given list.
>>> count_negatives([5, -1, -2, 0, 3])
for num in nums:
if num<0:
n_negative=n_negative + 1
return n_negative

Here is a code using list comprehension instead:

def count_negatives(nums):
return len([num for num in nums if num<0])

Much better right? Especially in terms of lines of code.

Solving a problem with less code is always nice, but it’s worth keeping in mind the following lines from The Zen of Python:

Readability counts
Explicit is better than implicit
So use tools that make compact readable programs. But when you have to choose, favor code that is easy for others to understand.

A special thanks to the Kaggle community for their contributions to open-source data and code. This article benefitted greatly from the resources available on their platform:

Thank you!💌

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