Lake County leads multi-city 911 dispatch consolidation into next stages; Sheriff’s Office to remain separate due to logistical concerns

Lake County leads multi-city 911 dispatch consolidation into next stages; Sheriff’s Office to remain separate due to logistical concerns

A multifaceted emergency services consolidation is underway in Lake County, joining a dozen municipalities’ dispatch centers with the goal of providing quicker response times and more effective emergency services. For over a decade, Lake County has been planning the consolidation of regional 911 services. Eventually, local 911 authorities, known as Emergency Telephone System Boards (ETSBs),…

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Spionage-Affäre: Büro von Maximilian Krah soll geheime EU-Akten haben

Spionage-Affäre: Büro von Maximilian Krah soll geheime EU-Akten haben

EU-Dokumente mit hoher Sicherheitseinstufung sind offenbar vom Büro des AfD-Politikers Maximilian Krah abgerufen worden. Dessen Mitarbeiter wird der Spionage verdächtigt. Im Büro von AfD-Europakandidat Maximilian Krah gab es offenbar Interesse an als geheim eingestuften Dokumenten des EU-Parlaments. Mehrere Unterlagen zur Außenwirtschaft sollen in den vergangenen Jahren abgerufen worden sein. Eine interne Untersuchung der Ausschuss-Verwaltung über…

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RMAG news

Queer Jams of the Week: New Music From St. Vincent, Anitta, Rina Sawayama & More

With summer fast-approaching, why not fill up your warm-weather playlists with new songs from your favorite queer artists? Billboard Pride is proud to present the latest edition of Queer Jams of the Week, our roundup of some of the best new music releases from LGBTQ artists. From St. Vincent’s raucous new album to Anitta’s exhilarating funk-flavored new LP, check out…

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