Call them super progressives: L.A.’s political left looks to expand its power at City Hall

Call them super progressives: L.A.’s political left looks to expand its power at City Hall

Los Angeles, California: LEFT: Ysabel Jurado in Los Angeles, CA. CENTER: City Council District 2 Candidate Jillian Burgos RIGHT: Los Angeles City Council candidate Nithya Raman (Mel Melcon/Los Angeles Times) (LEFT: Michael Blackshire; CENTER: Michael Blackshire: RIGHT: Mel Melcon /Los Angeles Times) Call them super progressives: L.A.’s political left looks to expand its power at…

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Rmag Breaking News

À Conversa sobre Livros com Vicente Alves do Ó

Fonte inesgotável de conhecimento e prazer,  poderosa ferramenta de influência e transformação política, a leitura e a liberdade intelectual chegam até a ser censuradas por regimes repressivos, ditatoriais e totalitaristas, levando a que a informação, o espírito crítico sejam negados a grande parte das pessoas.  Em pleno século XXI, assistimos cada vez mais a discursos de ódio,…

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The Supreme Court tackles abortion again. How much will it hurt Republicans in 2024?

The Supreme Court tackles abortion again. How much will it hurt Republicans in 2024?

FILE – Light illuminates part of the Supreme Court building on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022. Eight months, 126 formal interviews and one 23-page report later, the Supreme Court said it has failed to discover who leaked a draft of the courts opinion overturning abortion rights. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File) (Patrick Semansky…

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ASRock Launches DeskMeet X600 PCs, PCH-Less Motherboard With AMD Ryzen 8000 & 7000 CPU Support

ASRock Launches DeskMeet X600 PCs, PCH-Less Motherboard With AMD Ryzen 8000 & 7000 CPU Support

ASRock has finally launched its DeskMeet X600 PCs featuring a PCH-Less Mini-ITX motherboard & support for AMD Ryzen 8000 & 7000 CPUs. ASRock’s DeskMeet X600 Lineup Starts The “PCH-Less” Motherboard Trend, Ideal For Compact AMD Ryzen PC Builds The DeskMeet series by ASRock is famous for its industry-leading capabilities, and the new lineup is indeed…

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Meciul cu Columbia i-a trezit amintiri dragi lui Liviu Ciobotariu: „Numele fiului meu este legat de un stadion celebru!” » De ce este atât de important amicalul de la Madrid

Meciul cu Columbia i-a trezit amintiri dragi lui Liviu Ciobotariu: „Numele fiului meu este legat de un stadion celebru!” » De ce este atât de important amicalul de la Madrid

Liviu Ciobotariu, 52 de ani, a rememorat pentru meciul cu Columbia pe care l-a jucat la Mondialul din 1998, câștigat cu 1-0, dar și o altă amintire dragă lui. Ciobi este de părere că România poate trece de grupă la vară. Liviu Ciobotariu, 52 de ani, este cel mai dorit antrenor român în Superliga,…

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