¿Qué películas o series de estreno pueden verse durante esta Semana Santa?

¿Qué películas o series de estreno pueden verse durante esta Semana Santa?

Con la Semana Santa ya comenzada, muchos españoles estan ansiosos de poder disfrutar de unas merecidas vacaciones y, ¿qué mejor manera de pasar el tiempo que viendo algunas películas o series de estreno en las principales plataformas favoritas de streaming? Aquí presentamos una selección de los mejores estrenos disponibles en Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Movistar…

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Parchetul European a confiscat 18 proprietăţi din București şi a îngheţat 14 conturi ale unui afacerist italian

Parchetul European a confiscat 18 proprietăţi din București şi a îngheţat 14 conturi ale unui afacerist italian

Într-o investigație privind o fraudă transfrontalieră complexă în domeniul TVA care implică carburanți importați pe piața italiană, condusă de Parchetul European din Bologna (Italia), au fost sechestrate în România bunuri în valoare de 2,4 milioane de euro. Ancheta se referă la un grup infracțional suspectat condus de trei indivizi, toți italieni, care lucrează din Dubai, Miami și…

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Pray for the ‘brave’ Christians of Ukraine during Lent, says religious freedom advocate

Pray for the ‘brave’ Christians of Ukraine during Lent, says religious freedom advocate

During the liturgical season of Lent, it is important to remember the Christians around the world who are suffering persecution, especially those in Ukraine, a religious freedom advocate told Fox News Digital. “During Lent, Christians reflect on the suffering of Jesus during his 40 days in the desert,” said Steven Moore. Today based in Ukraine,…

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Romanian Red Cross inaugurates national coordination center for disaster interventions

Romanian Red Cross inaugurates national coordination center for disaster interventions

The Romanian Red Cross, in partnership with the Italian Red Cross, inaugurated the National Coordination and Communications Center for Disaster Interventions on March 22, aimed at supporting a more efficient emergency response. Housed by the CTPark warehouse on the A1 motorway, the National Coordination and Communications Center (CNCC) was designed to facilitate collaboration and communication,…

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Israelul avertizează 4 țări europene împotriva recunoașterii statului palestinian

Israelul avertizează 4 țări europene împotriva recunoașterii statului palestinian

Israelul a avertizat luni patru țări europene că planul lor de a lucra pentru recunoașterea unui stat palestinian constituie un „premiu pentru terorism” care ar reduce șansele unei soluții negociate a conflictului dintre vecini.   Patru țări europene, primii pași spre recunoașterea statului palestinian   Spania a declarat vineri că, în numele păcii din Orientul…

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Final Fantasy XVI Won’t Take Much Longer to Release on PC; Playable Demo, Complete Edition With DLC Confirmed

Final Fantasy XVI Won’t Take Much Longer to Release on PC; Playable Demo, Complete Edition With DLC Confirmed

Final Fantasy XVI won’t take much longer to release on PC, according to what the game’s producer said in a new interview. Speaking with Famitsu, Producer Naoki Yoshida commented on the PC version of the game, saying that development is proceeding smoothly, although there’s still some optimization work to be made to the game’s version…

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