What Democrats’ vote against women reveals about the future of sports

What Democrats’ vote against women reveals about the future of sports

On March 22, all 51 Senate Democrats voted to block the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act” from proceeding. It was an amendment introduced to protect women’s sports and preserve Title IX. Fifty-two years ago, Congress passed Title IX, a law ensuring equal access for men and women to the lessons, life skills and opportunities that come from sports. It’s…

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You’ve heard about weaponization of the FBI and CIA; now they’re weaponizing the internet

You’ve heard about weaponization of the FBI and CIA; now they’re weaponizing the internet

With the FBI’s political censorship of social media exposed, proponents of weaponized government are using a different tool: Biden’s Federal Communications Commission.  The FCC might sound boring. But from a First Amendment perspective, it’s more dangerous than the FBI.   It is being weaponized against you.   SCOTLAND TO LAUNCH NEW HATE SPEECH LAW ON APRIL FOOL’S…

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Directoarea ASSMB, Oana Sivache, audiată la DNA, într-un dosar legat de achiziția unor servicii IT pentru spitale

Directoarea ASSMB, Oana Sivache, audiată la DNA, într-un dosar legat de achiziția unor servicii IT pentru spitale

Oana Sivache, directorul general la Administrația Spitalelor și Serviciilor Medicale București (ASSMB), a ajuns miercuri, 27 martie, la sediul DNA pentru a fi audiată într-un dosar de corupție care vizează achiziția unor servicii IT pentru spitale, transmite Agerpres. Sivache a fost chemată la DNA într-un dosar care are legătură cu percheziţiile din 12 decembrie 2023…

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Transportatorii rutieri acuză: „Plafonarea tarifelor RCA este o păcăleală”

Transportatorii rutieri acuză: „Plafonarea tarifelor RCA este o păcăleală”

Reacţia organizaţiei vine după ce ministrul Finanţelor, Marcel Boloş, a anunţat că instituţia pe care o conduce a publicat un nou proiect de ordonanţă de urgenţă care vizează prelungirea plafonării tarifelor RCA până la 30 iunie 2024.”COTAR atrage atenţia asupra faptului că prelungirea plafonării tarifelor RCA nu ajută, de fapt, cu nimic, dar creează şi probleme. Deşi…

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Altexpress integrated Logystec, after merger effective March 2024. Alexandra Turcu of Logystec appointed as CCO & Partner at Altexpress

Altexpress integrated Logystec, after merger effective March 2024. Alexandra Turcu of Logystec appointed as CCO & Partner at Altexpress

Altexpress and Logystec, led by industry veterans Maher Tarazi and Alexandra Turcu, finalised their merger mid -March 2024. The move strengthens the company’s market position and is set to introduce a new era of logistics excellence. By integrating Logystec, Altexpress’s goal is to reshape the eFulfillment landscape in Romania and beyond. The strategic merger aims…

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Sensationell! Ex-HSV-Profi macht Rückkehr in den Volkspark perfekt

Sensationell! Ex-HSV-Profi macht Rückkehr in den Volkspark perfekt

Die Sensation ist perfekt! Das kleine Georgien hat sich erstmals für eine Europameisterschaft qualifiziert. Im Playoff-Endspiel sicherte sich der Fußball-Zwerg mit einem 4:2-Sieg nach Elfmeterscheißen gegen Griechenland eines der letzten Tickets für die Endrunde im Sommer in Deutschland. Einer der Helden: Ex-HSV-Profi Giorgi Chakvetadze. Nika Kvekveskiri sorgte im Stadion Boris Paichadze in Tiflis mit seinem verwandelten…

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