Public Speaking Monthly Challenge: Check-in!

Rmag Breaking News

If you’re following along with our challenge, let’s take a look at what we’re doing in the first two weeks:

Week One: Building Confidence and Your Topic

Building Confidence

Challenge: Identify and challenge negative thoughts about public speaking.

Activity: Record yourself delivering a short introduction and watch it back to identify areas for improvement (optional).

Topic Selection and Outline

Step one: Create a list of 5-10 topics you’re passionate about or that you want to learn more about.

Step two: Create a rough outline of 2-3 from the list.

Week Two: Crafting Your Content

Challenge: Finalize your topic and develop a clear, concise message.

Activity: Draft an outline for your talk, including an introduction, main points, and conclusion.

What challenges do you need to overcome in public speaking? What topics are you interested in sharing? What does your outline look like?

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