Reasons to Choose TypeScript Over JavaScript

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JavaScript has traditionally been the backbone of web development, but as projects grow larger and more complex, the demand for features like maintainability and scalability becomes crucial. TypeScript emerges as a strong contender, providing a robust alternative.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a versatile programming language popular for both front-end and back-end development. It enables the creation of diverse applications, including mobile, desktop, web apps, back-end servers, and interactive experiences.

Modern iterations of JavaScript, like ECMAScript 12, introduce enhanced execution, performance, and language interaction. JavaScript is foundational for front-end developers due to its integration with HTML and CSS.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a modern, open-source programming language developed by Microsoft. It extends JavaScript by introducing optional static types, making code more predictable and easier to maintain.

It brings several advantages:

Variable Type Declarations: Developers can explicitly define the data types that variables can hold (e.g., string, number, boolean). This clarity leads to improved code quality and maintainability.

Early Error Detection: TypeScript’s static nature allows the compiler to identify potential type-related errors during development, rather than waiting for runtime execution failures. This proactive approach significantly reduces development time and debugging efforts.

Understanding Static and Dynamic Typing

Static typing and dynamic typing describe how programming languages manage variable types either before or during program execution.

Static typing: In statically typed languages like TypeScript, variable types are defined and verified during compile-time, before running the program. This allows developers to identify and fix type-related errors early in the development process.

Dynamic typing: In dynamically typed languages like JavaScript, variable types are determined and checked during runtime, as the program executes. Variables can change types dynamically, and type checking is performed on-the-fly as the program runs.


TypeScript has recently approached the top 5 programming languages because it is the most widely used, provides new features to developers, and has a fantastic community. Also, TypeScript listened more carefully to developers’ needs compared to JavaScript.

TypeScript’s most advantage is the compiler that checks errors and types. The compiler shows errors in real time. It’s useful while refactoring the code and shows you that you may be missed.

If TypeScript is paired with IDE, TypeScript can provide more great features like hinting and code completion. It helps speed up development.

If a developer uses a tsconfig file, then TypeScript provides an option to transpile the code to the previous version. That means the code can run on all browsers.

TypeScript can run parallel with JavaScript code, making it easy to implement JavaScript files in legacy projects.

TypeScript has features that make code more fun and easily readable. Features like interfaces, Enums, and generics make code interesting.

Why Typescript for complex and large projects?

As your projects grow in size and complexity, the following reasons make TypeScript an attractive choice:

Type Safety: One of the standout features of TypeScript is its static typing system. In JavaScript, variables can change types dynamically, leading to potential runtime errors that may not surface until a later stage of development. TypeScript’s static typing allows developers to catch such errors during the compilation phase, providing an early safety net for code quality.

Easier Scalability: As projects grow in size, maintaining a clean and organized codebase becomes crucial. TypeScript provides features such as modules, namespaces, and interfaces that facilitate better project organization.

Improved Readability and Maintainability: TypeScript’s explicit typing not only contributes to better code quality but also enhances code readability. When you read a TypeScript file, the types explicitly convey the intentions of the code. This clarity is especially beneficial for developers who are new to a project or for those reviewing code written by others.

TypeScript: When To Use And When To Not

When Is TypeScript Appropriate for a New Development?

TypeScript can be a great choice for a new development project, particularly if you’re the sole developer. It provides robust type checking, which can lead to fewer bugs and more maintainable code. While the initial learning curve and setup might require time and effort, you’ll likely appreciate TypeScript as you become accustomed to it.

In a team setting, adopting TypeScript can pose some initial challenges, such as coordinating code changes and obtaining agreement from your peers. However, these challenges often pay off in the long run as your codebase becomes more reliable and easier to maintain.

When Should You Avoid TypeScript for a New Development Project?

Tight Deadlines: If you have a tight project timeline and you’re not already familiar with TypeScript, learning and setting it up might slow you down initially.

Complex Configuration: Setting up TypeScript can be daunting for beginners. Configuring TypeScript and integrating it with your existing toolchain can add complexity and time.

Dependency Management: TypeScript often requires installing and managing multiple npm libraries, which can be time-consuming and complicate the project setup.

Project Migration

Migrating a project from JavaScript to TypeScript can offer mobile app and front-end developers numerous benefits throughout the development lifecycle, including the identification of previously unnoticed bugs and simplified project maintenance.

For small projects, the migration process is relatively straightforward: install the necessary libraries, change file extensions from .js to .ts, and let the TypeScript compiler resolve the errors.

However, migrating larger projects with extensive JavaScript code can be more complex. One approach is to prioritize migrating certain files and running them in parallel with the remaining JavaScript code. This allows for gradual adoption without disrupting existing functionality.

Another viable strategy is to introduce new features using TypeScript while keeping the existing JavaScript codebase intact. This way, TypeScript is only applied to new portions of the project, allowing for a smooth transition and interaction with legacy code.

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