Albuquerque elementary school teacher honored by McDonald’s

Albuquerque elementary school teacher honored by McDonald’s

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – An Albuquerque elementary school teacher was recognized for her role in the community for Teacher Appreciation Week. Michelle Maynez, a 3rd grade dual language teacher at Dolores Gonzales Elementary, became the fifth educator to be awarded by McDonald’s. Barrett House residents in Albuquerque get free makeover before Mother’s Day She was nominated…

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Krieg gegen die Ukraine: So ist die Lage

Krieg gegen die Ukraine: So ist die Lage

Russlands nächste Offensive in der Ukraine läuft. Die Verteidiger lassen sich nicht überraschen und halten dagegen, brauchen aber dringend schnelle Hilfe. Die News im Überblick. Die russische Armee scheint die von den ukrainischen Verteidigern erwartete Großoffensive im Mai begonnen zu haben: Über die Landesgrenze hinweg greifen starke russische Kräfte an – mit dem operativen Ziel,…

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Solving a Leetcode problem daily — Day 10 | Find first and last position in sorted array

Solving a Leetcode problem daily — Day 10 | Find first and last position in sorted array

Solving a Leetcode problem daily — Day 10 | Find first and last position in sorted array | by Subhradeep Saha | May, 2024 | Medium Subhradeep Saha ・ May 11, 2024 ・ Medium Here is the Leetcode problem link – Problem Statement Given an array of integers nums sorted in non-decreasing order, find…

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Álbumes sobre una Cataluña extinguida

Álbumes sobre una Cataluña extinguida

Rescatar el pasado de una ciudad o el de un barrio cuando ya no quedan testigos, o apenas. En eso ayuda la colección Catalunya Desapareguda de la editorial Efadós. Son libros con unas doscientas fotografías, debidamente documentadas, que cubren desde finales del siglo XIX a mediados del XX. Son 400 títulos de muchas localidades o…

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RMAG news

Piedone vrea gaură în Cer

Ar fi fost de mai mare mirarea ca Piedone să nu se înoate și el în acest val de solidaritate și simpatie cu Florin Piersic. Numai că sfertodoctul cu gîndirea șchioapă s-a gîndit să le ia fața tuturor. Și, la Constanța, acest burtăverde de București, a zis: – Să facem gaură în cer și să…

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Baseball and local scores for the Southland, Aurora, Elgin, Naperville and Lake County

Baseball and local scores for the Southland, Aurora, Elgin, Naperville and Lake County

High school and local college results and highlights from the Southland, Aurora, Elgin, Naperville and Lake County coverage areas. Email Daily Southtown results to, Beacon-News, Courier-News and Naperville Sun results to and News-Sun results to FRIDAY’S RESULTS HIGH SCHOOLS BASEBALL Andrew 2, Bradley-Bourbonnais 1 Andrew (19-9, 3-3 SWSC Red): Austin Cusack 2-run…

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