“Seamless Component Transitions: Achieving Smooth UI Flow with Single Component DOM Transitioning”

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In web development, there are often scenarios where a series of steps is involved, but not all steps are visible to the user at once. Instead, steps are revealed progressively, with each subsequent step becoming visible only after completing the previous one. This challenges UI design: How can transitions be smoothly applied between multiple components when only one component exists in the DOM at any given time?

In this post, we’ll explore a simple example to demonstrate how to achieve transitions between multiple components, even when only one component exists in the DOM. We’ll address the challenge of transitioning between components seamlessly, ensuring a smooth and engaging user experience.

You can either scroll down to the implementation section or continue reading the following content without skipping to gain a better understanding of scenarios where transitions between components are needed. Let’s delve into some common examples and the benefits of using this approach:

Multi-step Form:
When designing multi-step forms, implementing each step as a separate component allows for seamless transitioning between form sections. Users can progress through the form while maintaining their current state, resulting in a smoother and more intuitive form-filling experience.

Onboarding Process:
In applications featuring onboarding processes for new users, representing each onboarding step with a distinct component facilitates guided navigation through the onboarding flow. Transitioning between these steps ensures that users are seamlessly led through the essential setup stages of the application.

Product Checkout Process:
During the checkout process in e-commerce applications, different stages such as cart review, shipping details, and payment information can be implemented as separate components. Transitioning between these stages enhances the checkout experience by providing users with a clear and structured path to complete their purchase.

Tutorial or Walkthrough:
In tutorial or walkthrough experiences, where users are introduced to the features of an application, dividing the tutorial into separate steps, each represented by a component, allows users to focus on one instruction at a time. Transitioning between these steps guides users through the application’s functionalities in a user-friendly manner.

Advantages of Transitioning Between Components:

Enhanced User Experience: Transition animations provide visual feedback to users, making the UI more engaging and intuitive. Users can navigate between components seamlessly, resulting in a more satisfying user experience.

Live Demo :

Explanation -Live Demo Code

The transition between components is achieved using enter,exist animation states and CSS animations. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

React State Management: The ReactTransition component in the codesandbox exmple above utilizes React’s useState hook to manage the active component and animation states. It keeps track of the activeId, which represents the currently active component, and two animation states: enterAnimation and existAnimation, which define the entering and exiting animations for the components.

Transition Logic:

Two functions, prevComponent and nextComponent, handle transitioning between components. When navigating to the previous component (prevComponent), the fromLeftToCurrent animation is applied, moving the previous component from left to center, while the current component transitions to the right (fromCurrentToRight). Conversely, when navigating to the next component (nextComponent), the fromRightToCurrent animation is applied to bring the next component from the right to the center, and the current component exits to the left (fromCurrentToLeft).

Rendering Components:

The renderComponent function in ReactTransition Component dynamically renders the appropriate component based on the activeId. It wraps each component with CSSTransitionWrapper.

import React, { useState } from “react”;
import “./styles.css”;
import { CSSTransition } from “react-transition-group”;

const CSSTransitionWrapper = ({ children, show, className }) => (
<CSSTransition in={show} className={className} timeout={500} unmountOnExit>

export default CSSTransitionWrapper;

A custom wrapper component that conditionally applies CSS classes to trigger animations based on the show prop. The className prop determines which animation class to apply, either enterAnimation or existAnimation, depending on whether the component is entering or exiting.

CSS Animations:

@keyframes fromLeftToCurrent {
from {
transform: translateX(-100%);
to {
transform: translateX(0%);

.fromLeftToCurrent {
animation: fromLeftToCurrent 0.5s ease forwards; /* Apply animation */

@keyframes fromCurrentToLeft {
from {
transform: translateX(0%);
to {
transform: translateX(-100%);

.fromCurrentToLeft {
animation: fromCurrentToLeft 0.5s ease forwards; /* Apply animation */

@keyframes fromCurrentToRight {
from {
transform: translateX(0%);
to {
transform: translateX(100%);

.fromCurrentToRight {
animation: fromCurrentToRight 0.5s ease forwards; /* Apply animation */

@keyframes fromRightToCurrent {
from {
transform: translateX(100%);
to {
transform: translateX(0%);

.fromRightToCurrent {
animation: fromRightToCurrent 0.5s ease forwards; /* Apply animation */

CSS animations define the visual transition effects between components. Animation keyframes (@keyframes) specify the transition behavior for each animation direction (from left to current, from current to left, etc.), while animation classes (.fromLeftToCurrent, .fromCurrentToLeft, etc.) apply these animations to the components based on their state and direction of transition.

Overall, this approach enables smooth and visually appealing transitions between components, enhancing the user experience in web applications.

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