Ceasul intern, la om, explicat de cercetători. Studiul care îți arată cum funcționează creierul în raport cu timpul

    Un nou studiu realizat de Dr. Martin Wiener și colegii săi de la Universitatea George Mason a adus dovezi care contrazic ideea unei percepții universale a timpului. Cercetarea, care a implicat 170 de participanți în patru experimente distincte, a explorat modul în care modificarea mediului poate influența percepția trecerii timpului. Primele două experimente s-au concentrat…

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    Sophie and Lanie Rosner can be battery mates. But Benet freshmen have few limits. ‘They can play all over the place.’

    Sophie and Lanie Rosner can be battery mates. But Benet freshmen have few limits. ‘They can play all over the place.’

    Freshmen Sophie Rosner and Lanie Rosner have quickly become fixtures in Benet’s lineup. But where the twins hit — and what position they play — varies from day to day. Benet coach Jerry Schilf sometimes doesn’t decide where to utilize them until shortly before games. “Usually, once the season gets started, we have a set…

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    UK parliamentary researcher and alleged accomplice granted bail in espionage case linked to China

    UK parliamentary researcher and alleged accomplice granted bail in espionage case linked to China

    A former researcher working in the U.K. Parliament and another man charged with spying for China were granted bail Friday after an initial court appearance in London. Christopher Cash, 29, and Christopher Berry, 32, were charged with violating the Official Secrets Act by providing information or documents that could be “useful to an enemy” —…

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