The Case of the Disappearing OTPs: Exposing SMS Pumping Attacks

Rmag Breaking News

Imagine this: you’ve integrated a robust 2-step verification (2FA) system using Twilio for OTP delivery, feeling confident about your user security. But then, a wave of confusion hits your team. OTP codes are flying out, yet your backend logs show no record of user requests. Panic sets in – is it a security breach? An internal threat?

This scenario, though unsettling, might be a case of a sneaky cybercrime tactic known as SMS pumping.

What is SMS Pumping?

SMS pumping, also called SMS traffic pumping or International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF), exploits weaknesses in systems that rely on SMS verification. Attackers use bots to bombard your platform with fake requests for OTP codes. These codes are then sent to phone numbers controlled by the attackers, who often profit through revenue-sharing agreements with certain mobile carriers.

Our Story: A Baffling Mystery

In our project, everything seemed secure. We had 2FA with Twilio, and Cloudflare guarded our systems against bots. Even Postman, our API testing tool, was locked down. Yet, the inexplicable OTP storm raged on. Internal investigations yielded no culprits.

Unmasking the Culprit: The Signs of SMS Pumping

The key to identifying SMS pumping lies in the red flags:

Spike in OTP requests: A sudden, dramatic increase in OTP requests, often originating from sequential phone numbers controlled by the same carrier.

Missing backend logs: No corresponding user activity on your platform for the OTP requests.

Incomplete verification cycles: If the OTPs are intended for user verification, you won’t see completed verification processes.

Fighting Back Against SMS Pumping

Here’s how to fortify your defenses:

Validate phone numbers: Implement checks to ensure phone numbers are valid and belong to real users.
Rate limiting: Set limits on the number of OTP requests allowed per user or IP address.
Advanced fraud detection: Consider solutions that analyze user behavior to identify suspicious activity.
Partner with Twilio: Twilio offers fraud prevention tools to help combat SMS pumping.

Lessons Learned

Our experience highlights the importance of staying vigilant against emerging cyber threats. By understanding the signs of SMS pumping and implementing robust security measures, you can protect your platform and user data.

Remember, security is an ongoing process. Stay informed and adapt your defenses to stay ahead of the game!

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