RMAG news

Google’s new ‘Speaking practice’ feature uses AI to help users improve their English skills

Google is testing a new “Speaking practice” feature in Search that helps users improve their conversational English skills. The company told TechCrunch that the feature is available to English learners in Argentina, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Venezuela who have joined Search Labs, its program for users to experiment with early-stage Google Search experiences. The…

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De Harvard al MIT: 400 detenidos en el “nuevo Vietnam” de las universidades de Estados Unidos

De Harvard al MIT: 400 detenidos en el “nuevo Vietnam” de las universidades de Estados Unidos

Más de 400 personas han sido arrestadas durante los últimos nueve días de protestas propalestinas en varias universidades de Estados Unidos, con la de Columbia a la cabeza, de las cuales más de una decena han sido escenario de intervenciones policiales que se han saldado incluso con arrestos entre el profesorado. La universidad neoyorquina encabeza…

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Éric Cantona on new music, Liam Gallagher and if he’ll play Glastonbury

Éric Cantona on new music, Liam Gallagher and if he’ll play Glastonbury

Éric Cantona has spoken to NME about his debut live album, ‘Cantona Sings Eric’, working with Liam Gallagher and their subsequent friendship, as well as his hopes to one day perform at Glastonbury festival. The football legend’s post-retirement career has included forays into acting, art, modelling and, most recently, music. ‘Cantona Sings Eric’, released on March…

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