Brainboard vs. Traditional IaC Management Comparison

Brainboard vs. Traditional IaC Management Comparison

When it comes to managing cloud infrastructure, the choice of tools can greatly impact the efficiency and security of operations. Brainboard introduces a novel approach to Infrastructure as Code (IaC) management, offering a suite of features designed to streamline the entire lifecycle of cloud infrastructure deployment. This comparison aims to highlight the distinctions between using Brainboard and traditional IaC management practices, specifically focusing on the areas of security and infrastructure management.

With Brainboard, teams are equipped with advanced tools for collaboration, policy enforcement, and multi-cloud management. Conversely, without Brainboard, teams might face limitations in these critical areas. The following tables provide a side-by-side comparison to showcase how Brainboard’s features can enhance and secure cloud infrastructure management:

Cloud Infrastructure Build

With Brainboard
Without Brainboard

Auto-generate the Terraform code from the design
Write Terraform code manually

Multiple users can design, edit and review the changes in real time
No or low collaboration between DevOps & Cloud Architects

Design the infrastructure
Create the infrastructure diagram and the IaC code that match 100% the deployed infrastructure
No live diagram view of infrastructures

IaC templates catalog
Have architectures along with their IaC configuration as templates, public or private
Not supported

Import existing infrastructure
Import your existing Terraform code to visualize your resources & convert your legacy infrastructure into Terraform code – within minutes
6-9 months of dedicated work for a cloud architect to manually write everything

Add, delete, use and manage Terraform modules, public or private. Modules catalog automatically created.
Only public Modules supported

Brainboard (Terraform 100% coverage)
Diagramming + IaC + CI/CD Engine + Management Solution

Terraform variables that can be defined across organization, projects, environments and architectures
Terraform Variables

CICD Engine

With Brainboard
Without Brainboard

CI/CD Engine
Visually build and run pipelines and also manage dependencies between stages (external system when a condition is met)
YAML or specific DSL Language needed

CI/CD pipelines
Custom runners hosted by Brainboard that will execute the pipeline

CI/CD templates
Convert any pipeline into template and use it

Costs estimation
Estimate the cost of the infrastructure (based on code) using infracost
External tool

The possibility to call an external system when a condition is met


With Brainboard
Without Brainboard

Approve or reject the execution of any task with maximum granularity per task
Not supported

Authentication SSO
OIDC & SAML, Different IDP providers (Okta, Azure AD…) with federation
Not supported

Policy as code
Define/codify policies used to manage the infrastructure with: OPA, AWS config rules
Not supported

Role Based Access Control supported
Not supported

Remote backend
Supports all types of backends: AWS S3, Azure blob storage, Google GCS, Terraform HTTP, GitLab, Brainboard backend, cloud endpoints, Brainboard remote backend
Limited & depending to local environment & hosted services

Security plugins supported
Scan the IaC code for security with: tfsec, OPA, Checkov, Terrascan
Not supported

Infrastructure Management

With Brainboard
Without Brainboard

Cloud providers supported
AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI, Azure stack, Azure DevOps, Scaleway and more planned for 2024. Multicloud is supported.
Limited to one cloud provider or 2 major.

Unified Readme documentation, diagram, and code for everyone.
Potential drift between the design and the code.

Drift detection
Detect changes that either doesn’t match the code or doesn’t match the deployed infrastructure. The possibility to prevent drift between environments.
Not supported

Git providers supported
Support GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps
Git supported

Inventory view of cloud environments
Unified view of infrastructure projects, environments and architectures
Requires a dedicated management tool.

Synchronize environments
Native mechanism to synchronize environments (e.g., staging, QA and production (Terragrunt like))
Not supported

Terraform registry
Use modules from Terraform registry
Not supported

Keep track of every modification you do on design / code and or go to any specific point-in-time. Native versioning or Git supported.
Not supported

Next Steps

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud infrastructure, Brainboard stands out as a comprehensive solution that not only simplifies the complexities of IaC management but also provides robust security features and efficient multi-cloud support. As our comparison has shown, Brainboard’s innovative tools offer a significant advantage over traditional methods, enabling teams to collaborate effectively, enforce policies seamlessly, and manage their cloud environments with greater ease and confidence.

If you’re looking to enhance your cloud management capabilities, reduce operational risks, and embrace a future-proof platform for your IaC needs, consider giving Brainboard a try. Ready to transform the way you build, deploy, and manage your cloud infrastructure?

Sign up for Brainboard today and take the first step towards streamlined and secure cloud infrastructure management.

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