Urmările atacului cu rachete efectuat de ruși asupra unui magazin alimentar din Harkov, unul dintre cele mai sângeroase de până acum | FOTO

Urmările atacului cu rachete efectuat de ruși asupra unui magazin alimentar din Harkov, unul dintre cele mai sângeroase de până acum | FOTO

Forțele ruse au atacat joi, 5 octombrie, o cafenea şi un magazin alimentar din regiunea Harkov, iar autoritățile ucrainene au anunțat că cel puțin 49 de oameni și-au pierdut viața, inclusiv un copil de 6 ani.

In this photo provided by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Office, emergency workers search the victims of a Russian rocket attack that killed at least 47 people in the village of Hroza near Kharkiv, Ukraine, Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023.,Image: 811151312, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required.
Handout – Government Produced
MANDATORY CREDIT., Model Release: no
In this photo provided by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Office, firefighters work to extinguish a fire after the deadly Russian rocket attack that killed more than 40 people in the village of Hroza near Kharkiv, Ukraine, Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023.,Image: 811155129, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required.
Handout – Government Produced
MANDATORY CREDIT., Model Release: no
This handout photograph taken and released by Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office on October 5, 2023, shows rescuers working on debris at a destroyed shop after a Russian strike in the village of Groza, some 30 kilometres west of Kupiansk. Ukrainian officials said on October 5, 2023, that a Russian strike on a grocery store and cafe in the eastern region of Kharkiv had killed dozens of people, at least 49, some said to be gathered for a commemorative ceremony. Ukrainian President said the strike had slammed into the Kupiansk district of the war-battered region bordering Russia, where Moscow’s forces have been pushing to recapture territory they lost last year to Ukrainian troops.,Image: 811165051, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – MANDATORY CREDIT “AFP PHOTO / KHARKIV REGIONAL PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE ” – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, ***
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***, Model Release: no
This handout photograph taken and released by Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office on October 5, 2023, shows rescuers working on debris at a destroyed shop after a Russian strike in the village of Groza, some 30 kilometres west of Kupiansk. Ukrainian officials said on October 5, 2023, that a Russian strike on a grocery store and cafe in the eastern region of Kharkiv had killed dozens of people, at least 49, some said to be gathered for a commemorative ceremony. Ukrainian President said the strike had slammed into the Kupiansk district of the war-battered region bordering Russia, where Moscow’s forces have been pushing to recapture territory they lost last year to Ukrainian troops.,Image: 811164486, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – MANDATORY CREDIT “AFP PHOTO / KHARKIV REGIONAL PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE ” – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, ***
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***, Model Release: no
In this photo provided by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Office, emergency workers search the victims of the deadly Russian rocket attack that killed more than people in the village of Hroza near Kharkiv, Ukraine, Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023.,Image: 811157168, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required.
Handout – Government Produced
MANDATORY CREDIT., Model Release: no
This handout photograph taken and released by Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office on October 5, 2023, shows rescuers working on debris at a destroyed shop after a Russian strike in the village of Groza, some 30 kilometres west of Kupiansk. Ukrainian officials said on October 5, 2023, that a Russian strike on a grocery store and cafe in the eastern region of Kharkiv had killed dozens of people, at least 49, some said to be gathered for a commemorative ceremony. Ukrainian President said the strike had slammed into the Kupiansk district of the war-battered region bordering Russia, where Moscow’s forces have been pushing to recapture territory they lost last year to Ukrainian troops.,Image: 811164488, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – MANDATORY CREDIT “AFP PHOTO / KHARKIV REGIONAL PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE ” – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, ***
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***, Model Release: no
This handout photograph taken and released by Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office on October 5, 2023, shows rescuers working on debris at a destroyed shop after a Russian strike in the village of Groza, some 30 kilometres west of Kupiansk. Ukrainian officials said on October 5, 2023, that a Russian strike on a grocery store and cafe in the eastern region of Kharkiv had killed dozens of people, at least 49, some said to be gathered for a commemorative ceremony. Ukrainian President said the strike had slammed into the Kupiansk district of the war-battered region bordering Russia, where Moscow’s forces have been pushing to recapture territory they lost last year to Ukrainian troops.,Image: 811164557, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – MANDATORY CREDIT “AFP PHOTO / KHARKIV REGIONAL PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE” – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, ***
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***, Model Release: no
This handout photograph taken and released by Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office on October 5, 2023, shows rescuers and a man with a “War crimes prosecutor Kharkiv region” vest working on debris at a destroyed shop after a Russian strike in the village of Groza, some 30 kilometres west of Kupiansk. Ukrainian officials said on October 5, 2023, that a Russian strike on a grocery store and cafe in the eastern region of Kharkiv had killed dozens of people, at least 49, some said to be gathered for a commemorative ceremony. Ukrainian President said the strike had slammed into the Kupiansk district of the war-battered region bordering Russia, where Moscow’s forces have been pushing to recapture territory they lost last year to Ukrainian troops.,Image: 811165866, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – MANDATORY CREDIT “AFP PHOTO / KHARKIV REGIONAL PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE” – NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS – DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, ***
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***, Model Release: no
In this photo provided by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Office, emergency workers search the victims of a Russian rocket attack that killed at least 47 people in the village of Hroza near Kharkiv, Ukraine, Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023.,Image: 811151307, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required.
Handout – Government Produced
MANDATORY CREDIT., Model Release: no
Foto: Profimedia Images

Potrivit Ukrainska Pravda, bombardamentul ruşilor a vizat obiective civile din satul Hroza, din orașul Kupiansk, nu departe de linia frontului cu armata rusă.

La scurt timp după, guvernatorul regional Oleg Sinegubov a anunţat 49 de morţi, iar autoritățile ucrainene au publicat imagini cu urmările atacului. Conform guvernatorului, mulți civili se aflau acolo în momentul atacului.

Pe imaginile publicate de Sinegubov, se pot observa mormane de moloz şi echipe de salvare sosite la faţa locului.

Un băiat de 6 ani se numără printre morţi, a adăugat guvernatorul regional, anunţând de asemenea şase răniţi, potrivit Sky News și CNN.

A Russian attack hit a grocery store in the Ukrainian village of Groza in the Kupiansk region. According to preliminary data, at least 49 people were killed. pic.twitter.com/0SmbvlHW5j

— Ruslan Trad (@ruslantrad) October 5, 2023

„6 persoane, inclusiv un copil, au fost rănite. Medicii le acordă asistența necesară. Operațiunile de salvare la fața locului sunt în desfășurare”, a mai anunțat Sinegubov.

Înainte de război, în satul Hroza locuiau circa 500 de persoane.

Președintele ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski, aflat într-o vizită în Spania, a calificat atacul drept „o crimă rusească de o brutalitate demonstrabilă – un atac cu rachete asupra unui magazin alimentar obișnuit, un atac terorist complet deliberat”.

Acesta este unul dintre cele mai sângeroase atacuri asupra civililor de la începutul războiului și până în prezent.

Doar atacul asupra teatrului de dramă din Mariupol și cel asupra unei gări din Kramatorsk au mai lăsat în urma un număr atât de mare de victime.

În Mariupol, se crede că până la 600 de persoane au murit când teatrul în care se adăposteau a fost distrus în urma unui atac rusesc în martie 2022. Iar în Kramatorsk, 52 de oameni au fost uciși în timp ce așteptau într-o gară, în aprilie 2022.

Foto: Profimedia Images

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