What is Proposition 4 on California’s 2024 ballot?

What is Proposition 4 on California’s 2024 ballot?

California voters will decide in November whether they want the state to borrow billions of dollars to put toward climate and environmental projects.

2024 Ballot Measures

The Southern California News Group is breaking down what ballot measures are being proposed to California voters in November. Click here to find the full list of statewide propositions on the 2024 ballot, and learn more about them.

Called the Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparedness, and Clean Air Bond Act of 2024, Proposition 3 proposes a $10 billion bond, $3.8 billion of which would go to various water projects, $1.5 billion to wildfire protection, $1.2 billion to coastline protection and another $1.2 billion toward fish and wildlife.

Several hundred million dollars would be allocated to clean energy programs, creating parks and expanding outdoor access, mitigating extreme heat and sustainable agriculture.

If voters approve Proposition 4, California taxpayers will have to pay back the bond with interest. According to a bill analysis, it would take 30 years and $19.3 billion ($9.3 billion of that being interest) in total to pay off the bond.

Related: State Sen. Ben Allen pulls housing ballot measure, pushes climate change bond

The measure has the support of dozens of environmental groups, cities, labor unions, social justice organizations and water districts, including California Coastal Protection Network, Environmental Defense Fund, Hills for Everyone and Urban Counties of California.

Opposed is the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, which said that “these bonds will be paid by people decades from now that did not even get to vote for their authorization.”

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