Greater than fiction

Greater than fiction

This is a submission for the Cloudflare AI Challenge.

What I Built

I built an application which given a set of animals, and fictional universes, generates an image.

The functionality is simple, but is split between a Page for the front-end, and a Worker for the AI generated content.


Upon submitting….
The famed, Dune hamster, Sallakis, destroyer of lettuce

My Code



I had a few hours after a long day and the announcement of this challenge has stuck in my head for a few days, so I decided to dive in head first, no look, and no 360.

My initial thought was just to create a Worker that took in a Star Trek character, and generated a cat image in that character’s style.

However after seeing how limiting that was, it seemed better to take in some input and be a tad more dynamic, thus fictional universes. At that point, why limit it to cats?

This all required a front end which a Worker is not. So, a Page was also created to handle the display/input to the worker, thus yielding the two repositories listed.

Future thoughts
I believe I could make a single Page with a Function to accomplish the same behaviors in a single repository, but while the wheels were spinning, I did not want to clog the air intake (or basically slow myself down).

Multiple Models and/or Triple Task Types
I had big hopes to incorporate multiple models and/or 3+ task types, but with limited time comes snap decisions.

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